What Are Symmetrical Internet Speeds? | Glo Fiber

Tired of uploads taking longer than downloads? You might need symmetrical internet speeds. See what that means and how you can get them right here.
Tired of uploads taking longer than downloads? You might need symmetrical internet speeds. See what that means and how you can get them right here.
If you think about what you need from your internet service, fast speed is probably the first thing that comes to mind. But while being able to download data to your computer, smartphone, or television quickly is important, it's not everything when it comes to all-around top-notch internet.
For that, you also need fast uploads – and the best internet service providers (ISPs) offer symmetrical internet speeds. In this breakdown, we’ll go over exactly what symmetrical speeds are and why you might appreciate them with your home’s internet service.
In a nutshell, a “symmetrical” internet connection is one with equal download and upload speeds. Say that your internet has a download speed of 1 Gbps or gigabit per second. If it’s symmetrical, your upload speed is the exact same: 1 Gbps.
But what does that mean? Your connection’s download speed is how quickly your computer or other device can accept data from the internet. That's important for downloading large files, streaming TV shows, and more.
Your upload speed, on the other hand, is how fast your device can send information to another device or network – for instance, when you upload a file to work servers or upload photos from your last family vacation.
Symmetrical speed is an excellent aspect of any internet connection – there’s no downside to being able to send information as quickly as you receive it or vice versa. However, keep in mind that symmetrical speeds aren't automatically hyper-fast overall.
If an ISP offers symmetrical internet plans, make sure to check their top speeds before signing up for their service. An internet connection could be slow, clocking in at just 50 Mbps for uploads and downloads, but still be symmetrical so long as those speeds are the same!
Asymmetrical internet is the opposite of symmetrical internet. It describes any internet connection where the upload and download speeds are not equal to each other. For example, an asymmetrical internet service’s download speed might be 1 Gbps, but the upload speed might be only half that: 500 Mbps. But on average, the upload speed of asymmetrical internet is closer to just one-tenth of the promised download speeds or even lower. So in the same 1 Gbps example, the upload speed is more likely to be 100 Mbps or less.
The best ISPs offer symmetrical internet service – but why? For users, especially households with many family members using the internet at the same time, symmetrical internet service comes with a few big benefits.
For instance, symmetrical speeds usually bring faster than average upload speeds (since an asymmetrical internet connection typically favors downloads over uploads). Therefore, symmetrical internet makes it easier to upload large files to servers or the cloud. If you have a big batch of photos or project files you want to upload without taking hours on end, symmetrical internet is the perfect solution.
Symmetrical speeds also reduce the internet bottlenecking you might experience if you're online during high-traffic periods, like the evenings or over the weekend. This benefit is particularly important for small businesses since bottlenecking can reduce productivity for your employees or lower the functionality of your website.
The cloud is more accessible if you have high upload speeds, which are generally included with symmetrical internet services. If you rely on cloud-based file storage for work, school, or anything else, symmetrical is the only internet type you should settle for.
On top of all that, symmetrical upload and download speeds make practically every online activity more enjoyable and less prone to lag or stuttering.
Like to game online with your friends? Symmetrical internet speeds can help facilitate a high ping rate and lower the lag you experience (or the lag you display to your unlucky opponents).
Symmetrical speeds are also great – practically necessary, actually – for live streaming since that depends on you being able to upload your video footage to the web moment by moment. The same is true if you work remotely: symmetrical internet will allow you to upload critical work documents quickly and easily while also participating in video chat sessions with crystal-clear quality.
Given the above advantages, symmetrical internet is great for everyone. But it's even better for folks like:
Though it's becoming increasingly popular, symmetrical internet isn't ubiquitous among internet services. In fact, only some types of internet can reliably offer symmetrical speeds, with fiber optic internet leading the way.
Fiber internet can reliably provide symmetrical uploads and downloads due to its construction and unique benefits. Leveraging light pulses that travel across vast cables with thin glass fibers, this internet type is able to send more information compared to coaxial internet, which uses copper cables, without as many interruptions.
So, if you’re after symmetrical speeds to enjoy lag-free streaming and fast file uploading, consider switching to a fiber internet provider to ensure you get the best possible performance.
Symmetrical internet is too big a benefit to pass up. Luckily, you don't have to with the right fiber internet service provider.
Glo Fiber offers high-quality, lightning-fast fiber optic internet for homes just like yours, with speeds of up to five gigabits per second. No contracts, dependable service, and symmetrical uploads and downloads make us the go-to choice for families who like to stream, surf, and more. Check out our plans today!